Renee Peters

An Indie Author's Adventure

Hello there!

Indie author Renee Peters here, checking into the blogosphere.

The first hello is always so awkward, isn’t it? A bit like stepping onto the stage of a dark amphitheater. You squint out into the shadows and your voice echoes as you shout into the void.

Eventually the lights come up and the show gets started. A magical connection between an artist and their audience is forged, and with the jitters out of the way, it’s all about building relationships!

That’s what I’m hoping to build here with the readers of my blog. My website is not intended to be the main selling platform for the books I write with my co-author Rae Stilwell. While I will certainly keep my readership informed about pending releases, we’ve got a series website for that. Rather, this is a place where I hope to share with you, my readers and fellow Indie authors, the inside scoop on the adventure that is pursuing my lifelong dream of becoming a successful independent author.

In the office with my favorite grammar mug! A win – win for my teacher and author selves.

My adventure in writing

It’s been quite a journey to this point. I’ve taught English for over twenty-five years and spent the last decade of that exploring writing creatively for a hobby as well. In one such collaborative writing environment, (read online, text based role play), I met and began my ongoing creative relationship with Rae Stilwell, the writer who became my co-author in the World of the Elysians story verse.

So much of the World that we built for our storytelling was born from our Fantasy role play roots, but there is a world of difference between writing interactively for a game and writing and publishing novels. It’s been a long but rewarding journey getting to this point, and it’s only just begun! I look forward to you joining me on my adventure.

Embracing magical realism

My co-author and I write in the historical fantasy genre. And while historical romance and fantasy are individually powerhouse genres, it’s been quite an adventure charting a course where the two intersect in various popular historical periods for our storytelling.

Sharing our unique creative vision with the world is the accomplishment of a lifelong dream, and one that I intend on pursuing for as long as the stories keep coming.

Behind the scenes

Join me on my blog for a peek at the latest adventures on my self publishing journey. Or, you can join other fans of the Elysian series on our Facebook page.

I’m a desert dweller, married, living and working in the state of Arizona. That’s quite a distance from my Barbados island roots! I’m also the proud mother of a rescue dog, Jerry and Starbuck, a 22-year-old African Grey parrot.

I’ll be chatting about life in general, sharing posts about my writing experiences, the Indie publishing and marketing process, and of course all the latest on the new releases for the World of the Elysians franchise series. I’ll also be using this platform to promote other independent authors who are trying to make their own dreams come true.

Teamwork makes the dream work, and Indies are my family!

See you around, I hope! I look forward to hearing from you.

Let me know the lights are on by leaving a comment. Is there any topic you’d like me to blog about regarding my Indie author experience?

Best Regards,


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